How do I prepare for my appointment?
Before your appointment it is always best to have your skin in the best shape. We have included a list of things to avoid or consider doing prior to your appointment. And like always, any questions please ask!
Preparation list
No Botox or fillers 2 weeks prior
No Botox 2 weeks after
No chemical peels 60 days before or after service
No Retinols, Retin-A’s atleast 2 weeks prior to appointment.
Avoid anti-aging creams & serums 2 weeks prior to appointment.
No sunburns
Avoid blood thinners such as aspirin, niacin, vitamin e, and ibuprofen 24 hours before service if possible.
Avoid coffee, alcohol, & caffeinated beverages 24 hour before and day of service.
No waxing or tinting for 3 days prior to service
Must be off Accutane for 1 year!